Movies in Review: “Our Kind of Traitor”

Our_Kind_of_Traitor_(film)There was nothing stellar about the trailer that made it really stand out. It did spark enough interest that I knew it was something I wanted to see. I did like the cast, and I’m always on board for a good spy thriller. The story looked interesting enough, and I wasn’t too worried about whether I would enjoy it.

Not like my expectations were low, but I did enjoy this movie more than I thought I would. It wasn’t perfect, but it definitely did the job. The story was good, but it was the chemistry between Ewan McGregor and Stellan Skarsgard that made this movie everything that it was. It is hard not to be invested in their stories. I wanted them to both be ok in the end. Their performances, along with Naomie Harris and a few sub-characters gave the movie a pulse. The only character/actor I wasn’t fond of was Damian Lewis (the redhead). He brought the performance level down, and didn’t feel like a good fit for his character…eh.

All in all, I enjoyed it. It had suspense, action, and thrills that made for an entertaining show. I found myself on the edge of my seat in a few scenes, shocked at the outcome of what was on-screen. If you enjoy spy thrillers, this is one I would recommend a look at…B+

About tajgreenemoviesinreview

I am creative by nature, and analytical by design. My escape from the riff raff of everyday life is a great movie. I do not title myself as a movie critic. I am a part of the viewing audience simple and plain. I started this blog to give a real life review of films, as an avid movie goer. Movies are expensive, and not always worth the money. I hope my reviews help you in your descision.
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